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houserule to simulate a race

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:34 am
by BaophraT
I've just come up with a simple rule to manage chases and I'd like your opinion. Do an opposed Agility test and look at the gap between the pursuers and the pursued :

0 > the gap stay the same, nothing changes
1-3 > +/- 1m
4-7 > +/- 1d3m
8-10 > +/- 1d4m
11-14 > +/- 1d6m
15-18 > +/- 1d7m
20 and more > +/- 1d10m

Depending on the number of points between them, the winner of the test catches up or moves a certain number of metres away from the loser. A critical failure causes a fall and 1d3 points of damage, and a critical success increases the distance in metres by 2d in the dice chain.

It's just an idea on paper at the moment, I haven't tested this little system yet...

Re: houserule to simulate a race

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:00 pm
by GnomeBoy

Many tests in DCC are for the PCs to make, against a fixed number. This could be easily adapted in that direction, too!

Re: houserule to simulate a race

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:55 am
by BaophraT
Chase-Rules.gif (41.78 KiB) Viewed 59304 times

Re: houserule to simulate a race

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:52 pm
by BaophraT
On reflection, I think it would make more sense to vary the calculation of distance gained according to the protagonist's basic movement. I've started to draw up a table along these lines because it seems obvious to me that a dwarf, even if he makes a very good opposed check, will never be able to catch up with a running giant (or any other creature with a movement far superior to his own).

Re: houserule to simulate a race

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:09 pm
by BaophraT
Chase-Rules-II.gif (62.43 KiB) Viewed 58172 times