Tales from Pacificon

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Tales from Pacificon

Post by Pesky »

Pacificon is underway this weekend in Santa Clara, CA, so I thought I'd start a thread for folks who were able to attend to share stories.

This morning I played in a new 0-level funnel run by Joseph Goodman. He was originally planning on doing a different adventure with 6 players, but so many people signed up for the game that he took everybody (about 12 players) and ran them all through the funnel (Thanks Joe!). I had a barber named "Sweeny Shavewell" that sported a 14 strength and a 16 luck coupled with the birth auger for melee damage, so Shavewell had 1d4+3 dmg for a razor. His random equipment roll yielded a spyglass, which he found an excuse to use at almost any opportunity. He did his share of shaving the face of evil, but some poor will saves and demonic posession got him at the very end. He was one of only two casualties if I remember correctly. The game was a lot of fun, and the skill of Goodman was impressive as he kept things moving at a rapid clip with no maps, no miniatures/tokens, rarely referring to notes, and roughly 12 players. Great game!

The Goodman Games booth in the Dealer's Hall has some great deals on swag, and there are lots of other vendors selling books, miniatures, etc. Unfortunately I didn't find anyone selling Zocchi dice, but I did let people know that there was a resurgence in interest in those.

Please share any Pacificon stories you have...
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Re: Tales from Pacificon

Post by goodmangames »

Pesky, thanks for the recap! That was a fun game. You took it in stride when the un-dead eyeball possessed you and made you chop off your own arm. :) I'm impressed by how many 0-level characters survived the crawl -- you guys did well. The Sunday game, on the other hand, did earn their TPK badge ribbons! But I guess the TPK happened after they completed the primary mission objective and returned into the dungeon after I egged them on about the great rooms they missed, so technically that doesn't go on their permanent records. :)

Here are a couple pictures:

Saturday's game (not all players pictured! it was a big game):

Sunday's game. See the little red things in front of each player? Everybody took a penny tray and put them to great use. Not only were they used as dice trays, but the players used the little clip to add character name tags. So these former-4E-retailer-penny-trays are now dice-trays-and-character-name-tag-holders. Very good use of resources!

And here is the official DCC RPG mechanical pencil. Ooh! Aah! Available at Pacificon and Tacticon...and other cons near you soon.
Joseph Goodman
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Re: Tales from Pacificon

Post by GnomeBoy »

Alright, that's it! Forget about special alternate covers of the rulebook and rare, funky dice -- I must have one of those pencils! :twisted:
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Re: Tales from Pacificon

Post by ThickSkullAdv »

Hey all,

I too had a great time playing in both sessions this weekend with Joseph behind the screens! We played Him That No Grave Can Keep on Saturday and The 13th Skull on Sunday. Saturday was fun as we ran the PC's through the funnel and it was great to see the ideas for people's occupations and equipment brought into play (not to mention Pesky's truly spectacular demise via self mutilation whilst under demon influence!)

Sunday's game was interesting as the PCs were higher level and great to see the fighters call out their mighty deeds. I had my own bit of gaming misadventure when my wizard character cut off his own ear as appeasing spellburn only to roll a natural one and undergo mutilating corruption--2 great features of DCC in one round and great gaming fun, and yes, it was technically a TPK.

I'm going to be writing an article on my blog shortly about "What I learned about writing/running a DCC game after watching Joseph Goodman behind the screens." Very interesting insights for me :)
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Re: Tales from Pacificon

Post by Harley Stroh »

goodmangames wrote:Everybody took a penny tray and put them to great use. Not only were they used as dice trays, but the players used the little clip to add character name tags.
That's so damn clever. Wonder if I have any more of those kicking around ...

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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