DCC #12.5 - The Iron Crypt of the Heretics

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DCC #12.5 - The Iron Crypt of the Heretics

Post by Jeff LaSala »

I just picked this up, and though I don't really have any place for it in my campaign right now, I'm reallying digging it anyway.

The fact that the whole dungeon is actually made of iron is pretty sweet, as are the clockwork traps. Frozen ice bridges, deathblade scythes, nasty driders. Man, this Mr. Stroh sure does like to hurt PCs. :D
Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »

Thanks for the thumbs-up. It was really fun project: a short, deadly sequel to Revenge of the Blackguard. I wish I could take credit for the idea, but it was pure F. Wesley Schneider. The clockworks were just a natural extension of the idea, and a fun way to include some punch for the Dragonmech kids. :)

We sent the Crypt through several playtests; some groups ran into a lot of trouble – mostly questions of teamwork and party balance. (If you're going to be tomb robbers, Bring…. A…. Rogue.) One group in particular had a near TPK on the entrance alone, and it got worse after that. :oops:

(Another group fireballed the rotating bridge … the same one that they were standing on. Heh. They got what they deserved. :twisted: )

In retrospect, the test players and GMs reported that it is a “thinking delver’s dungeon,” meaning that there are plenty of nasty foes and traps, but that if you charge in without a plan things can get ugly quickly.

If you can get your players to the place where they play like actual explorers – making plans, preparing for eventualities, etc. – you can reach a point where you force them do it on their toes.

That’s where the Iron Crypt shines, IMHO. Heroes are forced to think well and think fast, and sometimes all at once.
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DCC #12.5 Iron Crypt of the Heretics

Post by tacojohn4547 »

Harley and Goodman Games -

I picked this sequel up purely on the basis of the quality of DCC #12, but didn't get to read through it until today. This is a great dungeon crawl! I don't know whether I'll get to run my current AD&D party through it, but it would be a blast to do so. What a neat follow up to another fantastic adventure in The Blackguards Revenge.

I don't ususally go in for the mechanical clockworks devices in dungeons 'cuz they're kind of "modern", but your use of them in this dungeon is great.

This reminds me of many of the older adventures: short, deadly, and lots of fun. Thanks for a well done dungeon crawl.

One question (may be obvious to others): are the maps drawn to 1 square = 5'?

Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »


Thanks for the kind thoughts. It was a fun module to write; we had to cut some rooms to make the word count, but I think the adventure is better for it.

The map scale is 10' per square. After Iron Crypt I finally realized the error of my old-fogey ways, and started mapping in 5' squares. Sadly, those maps don't show up until the Rat King, so you'll have to put up with my dated maps for a bit still. :)
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DCC #12.5 Follow up

Post by tacojohn4547 »

Harley -

I have a couple of follow up questions on Iron Crypt.

How do you think this would play out in a convention format (either as a one-session event or as a multi-session tournament event, split around room 9 or)?

I game using the 1E AD&D rules system. How do you think this would be to convert to AD&D?

There's a small con in the area and I was thinking about running this for some of the oldschoolers that come to the con. Not sure how much time I have, so still uncertain about whether to do as a one-session event or as a multi-session tourney.

Any thoughts?

thanks again,

Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »


It could definitely be run as a 1 or 2 session event, and a 1st Edition AD&D game would definitely rock. Shoot … I’ll play the half-orc assassin/cleric! I’m not terribly well versed in the conversion process, but I’d bet the PCs have to be one or two levels higher to “equate” to 3.5 Edition power levels.

The coolest part about running the module in a tournament setting is that it places time restraints on the players, forcing them to make important decisions on the fly --- this is where the adventure really gets a chance to shine.

One addition I would make for tournament play is to have the glyphs and wards of the Crypt (as well as the wicked influence of the Egg) disrupt any divination spell of 6th level or higher. Otherwise the module risks breaking down into a series of find the path castings. Blah.

If anyone gives you hassle, you can tell them that it was intended for the re-write, but I missed it. :twisted:

The game’s scoring will change depending if you decide to run one session or two. Also, I know you know this already, but it can be a deadly module if things run awry…

Let me know how it goes, and feel free to holler at me if you have any other questions.
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Post by superfan »

In a tournament, consider using my Dundjinni maps to speed up things. There never seems to be enough time in a tourney, and why worry about drawing things out!

You've gotten the maps right Harley? If not, I can resend. Congrats again on the Witch Queen module. Can't wait for my signed copy!

Ben "superfan" Waxman
"They Might Be Dwarves" - World Champions Xcrawl 2007. So BAD...but yet so good.
Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »

The maps should all be right. Ben (a.k.a. Superfan) did an awesome job on them. They really bring the adventure to life.

Also, Ben, your copy of WotWQ is coming as soon as mine gets in. I also got a couple other modules for you. Expect an email later this morning. . .

And, by the way ...

Prester lives. :twisted:
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Post by superfan »

Dear Harley,


Prester lives!!! Can't wait to see him in action!!!!

You da' best!

Ben "superfan" Waxman
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DCC 12.5 Iron Crypt of the Heretics - A DCC tournament

Post by tacojohn4547 »

Hello Harley -

I've decided to definately give this adventure a try at the con that's coming up next month. I've exchanged some emails with Mr. Goodman on the subject of a DCC tournament for this con and he's been most supportive (Thanks, Mr. Goodman!).

There is a degree of uncertainty WRT what level of interest there will be at this con for a 1E AD&D event. So, we're going to test the waters a little. I've requested to have two time slots available so that I can run two groups through, tournament style, with scoring and prizes. If there is not enough interest to run two separate groups through on a competitive basis, I'm going to try to run a single group (may be larger than 4-6) through the dungeon over the course of two time slots.

We'll see what works out. I'm sure I'll have questions as I work on the retroconversion, and develop the scoring parameters for the tournament.

And yeah, I know this is a deadly dungeon. I rather like it that way!

Superfan - I pulled down the Dungini maps today - wow! I will definately be using them for this dungeon crawl convention event. Thanks!

Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »


That's awesome. Thanks for doing the conversion work (no small feat) and for running the adventure at the con.

I hope you have a great time with it. The ICotH is one of my favorites, but it is the GM and the players that really make a session rock. Otherwise it's just ink on a dead page.

Heh. If you do end up doing the conversions, can I get a signed copy of your notes? :D
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Post by Sword Guy »

Harley Stroh wrote:The clockworks were just a natural extension of the idea, and a fun way to include some punch for the Dragonmech kids.
Well it worked. The first DCC I ever get around to buying, and its the one I'm going to use if I ever run a DragonMech campaign. What's more, its going to be the founding place for one of my new classes, so the PCs will be headed back a lot.

Awesome job on it. I've never seen a dungeon crawl better suited to the style of play I prefer: checking every last little detail before testing the floor, searching the room, climbing up to the cieling, reading all of the paper on the desk, and then pulling the great big lever. Besides, its a relief to know that, no matter how powergaming the PCs get, it'll still be really easy to die if they do something wrong. Only problem I think I could ever have with it is if the party all dies, but I think I know some ways around that. Mostly having to do with their souls. Bwahaha :twisted:

Now, to find some hapless vic- I mean, PCs to run through it.
DragonMech DM soon, with any luck.

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Post by superfan »

Congrats BIG H !!!

Nominated for an Ennie!!! Great work!

I just followed the link and just voted for you, and hope others will do the same. Great adventure. I'm even thinking of running it as a one shot this weekend.

BTW: Clicked on the link to my old Dundjinni maps and it wasn't working. Anything the Webmaster can do about that? If the maps are lost, please let me know and I'll try to find them in my files so they can be reposted.

Later and congrats!

Superfan Ben Waxman
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DCC #12.5 Iron Crypt of the Heretics

Post by tacojohn4547 »

Superfan wrote:
Nominated for an Ennie!!! Great work!

I just followed the link and just voted for you, and hope others will do the same. Great adventure. I'm even thinking of running it as a one shot this weekend.

BTW: Clicked on the link to my old Dundjinni maps and it wasn't working. Anything the Webmaster can do about that? If the maps are lost, please let me know and I'll try to find them in my files so they can be reposted.

Later and congrats!
Ditto from the WrathofCon crowd in the Land of Oz! Harley crafts a great dungeon!

Superfan: Don't know if you've followed the trail of this marvelous little dungeon here on the GG boards, but I'm running Iron Crypt at Gen Con Indy under First Edition AD&D rules. I have four sessions set up and all of the slots were full. I think I had one person drop from one session, but the Iron Crypt sessions filled up very quickly.

If you cannot locate the map files, let me know. I have them in two or three places (backups, redundant copies, etc.). I'm sure we can get them reposted.

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Post by JediOre »

It was my top pick!
Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »


Sorry I've been out of touch. But the man who is printing your large format maps for Halls of the Minotaur sends his regards. He was VERY impressed with your work. I think his words were, "Wow....AWESOME maps."

I think the the Iron Crypt maps link back to my personal webspace. If they aren't working, let me know and I'll investigate. They should be working though --- I haven't taken them down.

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Post by Harley Stroh »

JediOre wrote:It was my top pick!
Heh. Thanks Jedi. :)

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Post by superfan »

Yo' Taco!

Rock on for running Heretics at the GenCon. I hope you print out my maps and use them. Nothing I hate more at a con, then waiting for a DM to tediously draw out the maps. When you've got 4 hours, things have got to MOVE!!!!

And Harley, I went to the free stuff section of the forum, looked for the link to the forum that has the link to your site, and sure enough, the link is broken. Click on the links and "boom"..... error messages.

Hope you can clear up that link soon, as I hope that the nomination leads to a bump in sales, and with that, more people using some nifty player aids.

Congrats again big daddy, and let me know what you think of the final keep map for "Minotaur". It's one of my favorites!!!

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Post by Harley Stroh »


The final keep map is awesome. Thanks for doing the variants. We're going with the "blue" version for GenCon Games. Can't want to run the game with those maps ... already buying minis for the game.

I'll get after the links. Strange that they dropped. It might take me the weekend to sort it all out.

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Post by tacojohn4547 »

superfan wrote:Yo' Taco!

Rock on for running Heretics at the GenCon. I hope you print out my maps and use them. Nothing I hate more at a con, then waiting for a DM to tediously draw out the maps. When you've got 4 hours, things have got to MOVE!!!!


Hope you can clear up that link soon, as I hope that the nomination leads to a bump in sales, and with that, more people using some nifty player aids.

Congrats again big daddy, and let me know what you think of the final keep map for "Minotaur". It's one of my favorites!!!


Yo Superfan!

Are you kidding me??? I've used your bitchin' maps for Harley's Iron Crypt every time I've ran it! (Three times and counting.) I've even printed off a second set for our latest local gaming session since we ran two tables head to head last Saturday!

I did have to work up some additional sections of the Crypt for the * cough * Lost Rooms of the Iron Crypt* cough*. They don't look as sweet as your MasterMapstm but they worked well enough for our deal.

I don't know whether you remember my email from this spring? I said I might have a special project, "Project X", for which I'd need your Master touch on some maps. Well, time has kind of slipped away from us. Are you going to be at Gen Con? If so, maybe we can talk about your contribution to "Project X", i.e. the maps.

In the mean time, I'll make due using some third party dungeon tiles.

Oh yeah, and I'm very much looking forward to your new MasterMapstm for "Minotaur" at Gen Con. A buddie and I managed to snag a couple of seats at one of the sessions. Can't wait!

Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »

Sweet! I get to GM for the infamous Taco?! Maybe you told me that already and I forgot, but cool. :)

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Post by superfan »


My apologies for not being able to come through for you on those other maps. I've been busy making the maps for the tourney, for Harley, and well....Oblivion came along. What a time suck that has been! Tell you what, if you say you still want them, I'll do them....PROMISE!!!!

All that is missing I think is initial area outside the keep, and the labyrinth of corridors on the inside. Correct?

Just let me know, and I DEFINITELY want to see some pictures of you at the con, playing on my maps, wearing your famous "Taco" hat (shaped strangely enough, like a burrito).

:shock: :D
Ben "superfan" Waxman
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DCC #12.5 Iron Crypt of the Heretics

Post by tacojohn4547 »

Calling Superfan!!

NO WORRIES, DUDE. My dungeon tiles aren't too bad, IISSM.

As far as still doing them, well, let's talk. Are you going to Gen Con? If so, lets hook up over a cold beer (Harley's buying!) and I'll tell you what I'm looking for.

If you're not coming to Gen Con, just say so (here even), and I'll drop you an email about Project X. BTW, there is more to it than the areas I previously asked about (Duframe's alcove, ruined abbey, actual crypt area).

I can send you a couple of pix from GorillaCon 3 with your MasterMaps being used. I'll be sure to get some at Indy, too. But my hat of choice is more like Gilligan's than the taco john dude.


Sword Guy
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Post by Sword Guy »

So, the maps (as far as I can tell) still aren't working. Is there any way someone could just send me them via email?

As for the module itself, I ran across one thing that I'd like explained, please: on page 4, it references a hammer of cancellation in area 1-21D. I can't find the area or any other references to the hammer itself. The other reference is to a portable hole in area 1-10, but that's the statue room (and there's no treasure listed).

Am I missing something here?
DragonMech DM soon, with any luck.

Owner of all DragonMech books, Etherscope core book, and DCC 12.5: Iron Crypt of the Heretics.
Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »

I'm still not clear on why the maps aren't showing so I'm going to upload them in a zip folder. Sending them by email is tricky--- Superfan did a really good job on detainling the maps, so they are huge.

Other outstanding issues: Portable hole. This is my error from a previous draft. Embrarassing that it is still in there.

Warhammer - I don't have a copy with me so I don't know the specific area number, but it is in the "Heir of the Faerus" encounter. Toward the end of the adventure, near the image of the skeletons in the sand.

Zip file coming soon.

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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