My Favorite Comics

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My Favorite Comics

Post by goodmangames »

My favorite company is Humanoids. Their hardbacks are great, as is Metabarons. My favorite comic of all time is the Blueberry series by Moebius and Charlier -- a true classic that I would never have picked up if... why did I pick it up? I can't even remember why I picked it up, since I usually don't like westerns. If you haven't read it, do so whether you like westerns or not. It's hard to find but worth the search.

I also love Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, of course, and Ricardo Delgado's Age of Reptiles.

Currently I collect Metabarons and most of the Humanoids hardbacks, Mac Afro and the Nebula Riders, G.I. Joe, and most of the Mike Hoffman titles (and some of the other pulp stuff that's appearing, like Don Marquez's book). I also pick up a little of this-and-that but those are my main addictions. And I'm still waiting for Ministry of Space #3...

Anybody else think Alien Legion would make a cool tabletop miniatures game?
Joseph Goodman
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Post by RSKennan »

I'm not a big-time collector of comics, but I love them nonetheless. I'm a fan of Image and Dark Horse titles, like Spawn and anything by Frank Miller. I've read interviews with Moebius, but other than him I know little of indy books or creators outside of what's been featured in Heavy Metal and what I've picked up from following about 6 issues of Comics Journal. The limited budget I've had since high school killed a lot of non-roleplaying or non- reference purchases for me, but things are looking up lately, so who knows? Maybe I'll be catching up on comics in the near future.
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Cadillacs & Dinosaurs

Post by OneSmallKeith »

I never would have guess you for a Cadillacs & Dinosaurs fan. ;) I'm a long time comic-head myself, though I've had to cut down somewhat since I started freelancing full-time. These days, I would say that my two favorites are probably The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Powers. In the long haul, I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison, especially Grant's run on The Doom Patrol.

I actually used to work with Carl Potts, the guy behind Alien Legion -- I know that for a while he was discussing licensing it for an RPG, but that was years ago, so I imagine nothing came of it.

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Post by Mr. Author »

Hmm... currently, I'm reading The Big O, but I'm not really mcuh into buying comics. I prefer to buy the graphic novel anthologies. Favorites are Age of Reptiles, 3x3 Eyes, Neon Genesis, and anything that doesn't take itself too seriously.
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Post by goodmangames »

I've heard great things about the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I plan to pick up the trade paperback one of these days.

You know, I actually e-mailed Carl Potts six months ago and asked about doing an Alien Legion game. He told me another company was talking to him but it might fall through. I haven't followed up with him since then. Maybe I should.

Where did you work with him?
Joseph Goodman
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Post by goodmangames »

[quote][i]Originally posted by RSKennan[/i]
I've read interviews with Moebius, but other than him I know little of indy books or creators outside of what's been featured in Heavy Metal and what I've picked up from following about 6 issues of Comics Journal. [/quote]

I'll give you my take on Moebius: He's a great artist and a really bad writer. Well, maybe not "bad", but definitely not mainstream. The comics he writes are really surreal, which is a polite way of saying they make no sense whatsoever. Some of them aren't supposed to make sense, but others seem to me like they should make sense and either I'm crazy or he's crazy. But the art is still great, even if the writing is bad.

The Blueberry series was his first real series, back when he went by Gir. He drew "normal" back then (but still exceptionally well).
Joseph Goodman
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Post by OneSmallKeith »

[quote][i]Originally posted by goodmangames[/i]
You know, I actually e-mailed Carl Potts six months ago and asked about doing an Alien Legion game. He told me another company was talking to him but it might fall through. I haven't followed up with him since then. Maybe I should.

Where did you work with him? [/quote]

I worked with him for a few years at a computer games company called VR-1. For a while we were working together on an idea for a Legion of Super-Heroes strategy game. He's a great guy. I know the company he was talking to, but I probably shouldn't say anything... anyhow, if you do email him again, feel free to let him know I've been writing for you! He asked my opinion about the other company, and at the time I didn't know much about them...

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Post by JoeCrow »

Heh. EVERYBODY'S waiting for Ministry of Space #3. Warren sez Weston's working on it now. Apparently Warren's health problems have slowed a lot of stuff down, but he sez they're back on track.

You know what would make a killer d20 Modern setting? GLOBAL FREQUENCY. Wonder what Warren's liscensing fee would be...

Hey, speaking of Humanoids, a few months a go I got a really beautiful book from them called MORGANA. Kinda swords & scifi, really stunning art that kinda reminds me of Kaluta at his best. It's a translation from Italian, I think. Only one, so far, but I'm gonna grab anything else that comes out.

I buy way too many comics.
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Post by goodmangames »

[quote][i]Originally posted by JoeCrow[/i]
Hey, speaking of Humanoids, a few months a go I got a really beautiful book from them called MORGANA. Kinda swords & scifi, really stunning art that kinda reminds me of Kaluta at his best. It's a translation from Italian, I think. Only one, so far, but I'm gonna grab anything else that comes out.

Yeah, Morgana is awesome! I'm also waiting for the next one in that series. They just started up two other series that have great promise, too -- Ante Genesem and Sanctum: USS Nebraska. Both are sci-fi/horror. Great writing, great art.

Someday I want to try to do a comic-style game book... I don't know how you'd do it, maybe a comic at the front with game stats at the back? Comics can convey difficult concepts and visual ideas much better than writing, I think... if you had a really weird world that needed lots of explanation, it might be easier to convey it visually, with stats in the back, than a long explanation. Or maybe not... maybe I just want to do comics AND games. =)
Joseph Goodman
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Post by goodmangames »

[quote][i]Originally posted by JoeCrow[/i]
Heh. EVERYBODY'S waiting for Ministry of Space #3. Warren sez Weston's working on it now. Apparently Warren's health problems have slowed a lot of stuff down, but he sez they're back on track.

So they're actually planning to release #3? I'd given up hope. Glad to hear it might actually happen.
Joseph Goodman
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Re: My Favorite Comics

Post by RI2 »

I am a huge DC fan and collect a number of their books, but count JSA, Catwoman and Gotham Central as my favs. I also am a huge fan of Sleeper and all of the ABC books (get them in trade paperback form).

Other than DC I am mostly an Indy reader and there are far too many books to mention. I am sadly counting the days till Bone is done.

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Post by Ken Hart »

Growing up as a teen in the '70s (yes, I'm old :? ), I was a big Marvel fan, and there were some great titles back then, like the Englehart/Perez Avengers, the Claremont/Byrne X-Men, and the often-overlooked Gerber/Buscema run of The Defenders.

But despite this Marvel bias, my all-time favorite superhero is DC's The Creeper. I loved Ditko's original version of him, and Giffen did a really good job of retelling the story in a Secret Origins issue many years ago. I was damn happy when he actually appeared on the Batman animated series a few years back.

I have to admit, though, that I'm out of touch with current comics. The last great story I read was Mark Waid's "The Return of Barry Allen" in The Flash in the mid'90s.
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Comic Books

Post by JediOre »

You guys keep your super heros, give me talking ducks anyday! I love Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge! I am on Cloud Nine since Gemstone started publishing these back in July of 2003.

Great Honk & Happy Day, thanks Mr. Goodman for the Dungeon Crawl adventures!

P.S. - By the way, Mr. Goodman, did you get any response from A to Z Comics in Blue Springs, Missouri? I've noticed Debbie has begun to stock a couple of your items. I hope the trend continues (I'm pushing for it on my end).
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Re: Comic Books

Post by goodmangames »

JediOre wrote:You guys keep your super heros, give me talking ducks anyday! I love Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge! I am on Cloud Nine since Gemstone started publishing these back in July of 2003.

Great Honk & Happy Day, thanks Mr. Goodman for the Dungeon Crawl adventures!

P.S. - By the way, Mr. Goodman, did you get any response from A to Z Comics in Blue Springs, Missouri? I've noticed Debbie has begun to stock a couple of your items. I hope the trend continues (I'm pushing for it on my end).
I love Donald Duck and Scrooge, too! My grandfather always had those comics at his house. I grew up on them.

I sent some information to A to Z Comics and will be following up with them this week. That's good to hear they've started stocking more products!
Joseph Goodman
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Post by zephyrmev »

My faves are Dork Tower and KODT.John K of Dork Tower is a sort e mail friend of mine.He is a good person.zephyrmev.
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Post by goodmangames »

I love KODT! I've been subscribing for years now. It's one of the only comics out there that causes me to laugh out loud almost every issue.
Joseph Goodman
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Post by dragon-slayer »

Heavy Metal
Metal Hurlant
Judge Dredd (the original, British Eagle/Fleetway comics)
Warhammer Monthly
ABC Warriors

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Post by Harley Stroh »

Latest read
Dark Horse: CONAN.

Really good stuff if you're into REH's Conan. Brooding people with big swords are always a hit with me, but I'm pretty predictable that way.
The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Post by goodmangames »

Good call. I've been reading the Conan series, too, and I'm loving it.
Joseph Goodman
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Post by Brer Jackalope »

By Crom! I like the way you guys think! The Dark Horse "Conan" series has really been right on the mark! Looking forward to a long run on it.

Has anyone here been reading "The Walking Dead" series by Robert Kirkman (Image)? It's really been a great character-driven story so far. I'd definitely recommend it if you're into the whole zombie-apocalypse genre.

I guess my favorite books over the long haul have been "Grimjack" (john Ostrander & Tim Truman) and "Scout" (Tim Truman). But I'm showing my age.

As far as talking ducks are concerned though, you can make mine Howard! Get down America![/u]
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Post by Ken Hart »

You're talking to the proud owner of a Howard the Duck for President button from the 1970s -- yes, I'm showing my age, too. :-) Granted, wearing that button in high school cemented my lifetime geek status...! :?

I really enjoyed Grimjack as well as most of the First line back in the '80s, including American Flagg and one of my all-time favorites, Steve Rude and Mike Baron's Nexus. Simply a great series.
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Post by Brer Jackalope »

You had the button, Ken? That's awesome, I never had one, I was a sadly deprived child.

I loved those old First Comics titles. The early eighties were a fun time for independent comics. I heard recently that Ostrander and Truman had finally aquired the rights to Grimjack again. Rumor is they may try to revive the character. I've got my fingers crossed.

I'm of to ebay, gotta find that button!
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Post by sharchen »

Re: Grimjack

It's more than a rumor. IDW will be publishing both a new miniseries and collected editions of the old stuff starting in January. ... adid=20372

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Post by Brer Jackalope »

Hot damn, my Christmas just came early! Thanks for the link Ian, you really made my day!
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Post by mythfish »

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: the first book is really good, the second book didn't grab me.

Global Frequency: Holy crap, yeah! That'd be an excellent d20 modern setting. There's a Global Frequency TV show starting in Jan also, which Warren himself has been working on.

I'm a fan of pretty much anything Warren Ellis writes. One of my favorite comics is an obscure title Marvel put out in the 80's called Strikeforce: Morituri, and one of my other favorites is an obscure title DC put out in the 90's called Young Heroes In Love. Recently I've been reading 100 Bullets, Starman, and Y: the Last Man.
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